Since 2016, Sister District has helped elect more than 200 progressive state legislators, including eight candidates we endorsed this year in Virginia. Whether you’ve been with us since the very beginning, or took your first action in 2023, these victories are thanks to you.

But as you know, success doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, 2023 was our fourth year working in Virginia!
In 2024, we’ll be returning to states like Arizona, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania – huge presidential battlegrounds, where we must drive turnout up and down the ticket in order to win. We want to hit the ground running next year, but we need your help to do it! Please donate now and help us head into 2024 strong.
In the words of Senator-Elect Danica Roem: “Sister District was absolutely a key part of how we won this race. They were involved every step of the way, just like they were involved in my race in 2017.”
Multi-year investment is absolutely key to moving the needle in our states. In 2024, we have the chance to make real headway, and we’re already making plans.
Our political team is already crunching the numbers and looking for the chambers and specific seats where our help can make the most difference. We’ll be closely watching primaries in each of our target states, and then undergoing a comprehensive application and review process with each prospective candidate. Simultaneously, our organizing staff are preparing volunteer teams (that’s you!), and hiring Organizing Fellows; improving our infrastructure and recruiting more volunteers.
All of this work takes resources. What we’re able to raise before this year ends will directly impact how much we can do next year.
Can we count on you to pitch in before the year ends to help us keep building progressive power in the states in 2024?
With so much at stake in next year’s elections, we’re going all out to continue building progressive power in states all over the country — and we can’t thank you enough for everything you do to help us make it happen.
In solidarity,
Sister District Project
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Paid for by Sister District Project. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Donations to Sister District Project, a 527 organization, are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.