[ [link removed] ]Katie Porter for Senate
As a consumer protection attorney, there’s a lot I’ve always disliked
about political emails. Emails that try to shame or terrify you into
donating aren’t my style.
You’ve probably seen emails that say things like:
* “We need 5,238 donors from YOUR zip code.” This is fake. We have goals
and deadlines, and donations from different parts of the state or
country can signal support, but there’s no crazy math like this
* “Donate $5 today and it will be triple matched.” I promise nobody is
really doing this.
* “Warning: Payment incomplete.” I despise these misleading emails that
make you think you’ve missed a bill. Invoking this type of fear in
people is unacceptable.
I’ve introduced legislation to crackdown on scam PACs, who can often be
the worst offenders. Scam PACs are political organizations that exist to
steal money rather than to support a cause or candidate. Their
expenditures go solely to “consultants” rather than real causes, and it’s
a shameful way to make a quick buck.
Here’s what is real: our fundraising deadlines and the facts we give you
about this race. There is urgency, yes, because we’re less than three
months to Election Day, and our Federal Election Commission end of quarter
deadline is on December 31st.
Our end of quarter deadlines are some of the most important, as we have to
publicly report how much we raise every three months. But our monthly and
even weekly internal goals help us hit those quarterly goals, and as
Election Day nears, each week’s fundraising has a big effect on the race.
Please use the links in this email to start a monthly donation.
Truly, whatever zip code you’re in, I’d be so appreciative of your
support! [ [link removed] ]Can you make a contribution ahead of our federal fundraising
deadline on December 31st?
[ [link removed] ]Contribute ›››
Thanks for reading, and thanks for supporting our campaign.
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