As our nation confronts the growing health threat of COVID-19, we need strong leadership more than ever.
It’s imperative that Congress and this administration pass legislation that provides immediate relief for working families and those most vulnerable to this pandemic.
The Democratic majority in the House of Representatives just passed a legislative package that would provide free COVID-19 testing, assistance for food security, and paid sick leave for those impacted by the virus.
Write to your senators and urge them to take immediate action to pass the House’s Families First Coronavirus Response Act.
The coronavirus has already disrupted families, small businesses, and medical professionals. We know that the most vulnerable members of our communities will be most impacted by this health crisis — and we demand our elected officials and public servants do everything in their power to protect us.
Tell Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the Senate: Pass the legislation that provides necessary relief for families impacted by the coronavirus.
Thank you,
NextGen America