Dear John,
We need your help to make sure kids living with hunger do not become the accidental victims of efforts to stop the coronavirus.
John, 22 million kids depend on school meals for all or part of their daily nutrition. With more schools across the nation closing daily as a way to fight the virus’ spread, those kids stand to lose a critical nutritional lifeline.
The Senate can help by enacting emergency provisions that would make it easier to get food assistance to low-income families.
Take Action: Tell your senator to act now to ensure hungry kids get the food they need in the coming months.
Federal nutrition programs like SNAP, school and summer meals, and WIC are the front line of defense for fighting child hunger. We’re looking to Congress and to the Administration to provide urgently-needed flexibility in how kids and families access meals during this time. It’s the most important step we can take to make sure kids living with hunger can weather the coronavirus storm.
Your voice matters. As we fight the spread of this deadly virus, it’s all of our responsibility to help make sure the most vulnerable among us do not become unintended victims.

Lisa Davis Senior Vice President No Kid Hungry Campaign