This changes everything, John: Democratic Gov. Steve Bullock just announced he’s running for Senate in Montana!

With just four seats needed to take back the Senate for Democrats, analysts from The Washington Post to POLITICO are saying that Steve running fundamentally boosts our path to the majority. But Democrats have to act fast if we want to flip this seat and the Senate: Steve makes this race competitive – but he's going to need the help of grassroots Democrats like you to pull this off, John. 

The first end-of-quarter fundraising deadline for his campaign is quickly approaching – and it's never been more important for him to have a strong showing. Falling short now could jeopardize any chance of taking back the Senate – so please give $5 or whatever you can spare to help Steve flip Montana blue and protect the future of the Supreme Court.

Steve won reelection in 2016 even as Donald Trump took Montana by 20 points, so we know he can flip this critical seat blue – but Mitch McConnell and his right-wing special interests know it too. That's why they're ready to dump MILLIONS into this race to prop up another rubber stamp for Trump's agenda. 

If we want to stop far-right Republicans from destroying our health care and attacking our shared values, Steve needs grassroots Democrats to step up immediately to make sure he closes his $3,296 fundraising gap by midnight. Your gift right now can help close that gap – it can make the difference in having the resources to win this critical race:

Please, John: If you care about Democrats taking back the Senate, rush $5 or more right now to flip Montana's Senate seat blue! We can't have two more years of Mitch McConnell's obstruction.