Hi John, we're so glad to meet you. Welcome to Save the Redwoods League; we are happy you are here.
There’s nothing like a redwood forest. The massive trees, seemingly forged from mythology, reach endlessly to the sky. Cool damp air. Lush green ferns. Sunlight streaming through to the soft floor.
This video says it all:
And because you seem like the kind of person who likes the tall trees, we thought you might like a FREE Go Big sticker, highlighting the amazing giant sequoias. |
Sure, send me a FREE sticker
Go Big sticker design by Kim Bennett |
Connect with us on social media: We’re constantly sharing videos, photos, and news about the redwoods. Don’t miss it.
Save the Redwoods League has been working to protect, restore and connect people to the coast redwood and giant sequoia forests for more than 100 years. Visit our website to learn more about what we’re doing.
Thanks so much, John, for loving the redwoods like we do.
Save the Redwoods League |