We here at Shift WA recently had the opportunity to dive into the fascinating legal world, as understood by our beloved Attorney General and gubernatorial hopeful, Bob Ferguson.
Shift Washington


We here at Shift WA have occasionally had the opportunity to dive into the fascinating legal world that our esteemed Attorney General and gubernatorial hopeful, Bob Ferguson, operates in – often to the exclusion of other rational beings. And it’s a scary dive.

This week, we built on that with a delightful exchange with the man himself on Twitter/X, after he used his taxpayer-funded account to pat himself on the back for lawsuits he’s been proud of filing because they generated money. Of course, we couldn't let him off the hook for leaving out part of the story.

So, we reminded AG Ferguson of the colossal disaster that was his angry legal attack on Value Village. You'd think he'd appreciate our refreshing honesty, right? Well, not exactly.

Here’s how the exchange went:

AG Ferguson, clearly not accustomed to being called out on his own record, responded with no recognition of that record. In his response, Ferguson tried to narrow his record of losses to just one area, and then reveals his theory that, by paying off the Value Village loss with money from other work by the office, he somehow escaped using taxpayer funds for his massive loss. He hopes everyone will ignore the fact that all the money flowing through the AG's office is, indeed, taxpayer money – his office does not exist without us, not the other way around.

At Shift WA, we're committed to keeping an eye on liberal elected officials who seem to forget they work for the people. Where mainstream media outlets act as mouthpieces of the Left, we try to be a voice of reason.

But we need your support to keep up the good fight. As we draw near the end of the year, please consider contributing $100, $50, $25 and help us hold these officials accountable.

Your contribution will help us continue to shine a spotlight on politicians like AG Ferguson, who think they can play fast and loose with our money – and the truth – while claiming they're doing us a favor.

Thanks for standing with us,

The Shift WA Team