Hi John,

2023 has been undeniably tough, with the far right resurfacing on our streets, sowing violence and division across the UK. From Remembrance Weekend demonstrations to over 100 anti-migrant protests, we've been closely tracking the unsettling resurgence.

Yet, all this work comes at a cost. Throughout 2023, our dedicated team faced challenges that hit too close to home – staff faced death threats, rape threats, intimidation, and coordinated harassment. This scale of abuse has a significant impact on their well-being, and that of their friends and loved ones. It should never be tolerated.

John, no one should endure intimidation and the threat of violence at work. Will you stand with us in solidarity? By donating this Christmas, you will help us to prioritise our team’s safety, manage risks, and give them the vital support they need so we can continue the battle against an emboldened far-right in 2024.

By contributing towards the research and intelligence work of HOPE not hate this Christmas, you can help us distinguish the keyboard warriors from those who actively intend on doing us harm. Please support us today to stay on top of the threats and intimidation, and unmask the perpetrators.

Thank you for everything you do. Together, we'll win.

Nick Lowles, 

CEO of HOPE not hate