Hi, Hidden away in the depths of newly proposed Congressional legislation lies one of the most disastrous policy proposals we’ve ever seen. The FISA Reform and Reauthorization Act of 2023 sounds innocuous on the surface. But it contains the single biggest expansion of mass-surveillance since The Patriot Act in 2001. And the bill could be voted on as early as this week. This bill is a bonafide wolf in sheep’s clothing, and would be an unmitigated nightmare for our civil rights and liberties, effectively granting the government dramatically expanded power to force hotels, libraries, coffee shops, and even the contractor who installed your Wi-Fi router to give the NSA warrantless access to their communications systems — the ones all Americans use. What makes this proposed “reform" even worse is that there’s already legislation — with sweeping bipartisan and public support — poised to RESTORE our privacy rights rather than reduce them to tatters. H.R. 6570 — the Protect Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act — aims to achieve exactly what the name suggests. It already passed a vote in the House Judiciary Committee 35-2, and has been endorsed by over 100 organizations around the country, including ours. But only one of these two proposals will become law. And if we allow the sham FISA “Reform” and Reauthorization Act to pass, then the better bill — H.R. 6570 — will be dead in the water. We can’t leave anything to chance. Nor can we let these authoritarians succeed in expanding the power of their warrantless, mass-surveillance programs. Thanks for taking action, ![]() PAID FOR BY DEMAND PROGRESS (DemandProgress.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Join our online community on Facebook or Twitter. You can unsubscribe from this list at any time. |