Dear John

Do you know why your support of Treatment Advocacy Center research is so important? Here’s just one example: when the U.S. government underestimated by two million the number of people in the country who have schizophrenia, by discounting those who are incarcerated, hospitalized, or experiencing homelessness, TAC was the only organization willing to call out this drastic miscalculation.

Then we set out to right the wrong. Our efforts resulted in the first government-funded epidemiological study on severe mental illness since the 1980’s, with findings released earlier this year showing that 2-3 times more people are living with schizophrenia than had been reported. These findings have profound implications for policy, the public, and everyone living with SMI and their families.


This is the kind of critical research you support when you donate to TAC. Donate today to support our ongoing efforts to push and prioritize research into SMI. 

​​​​We have set an ambitious goal to raise $150,000 before the end of the year, but we know we can do it with your help! Your donations allow us to invest in research that will improve the lives of everyone living with SMI, their families, and society at large.

Thank you for your support, 

TAC Research Team




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