Also: How three cities are using Opportunity Zones to spur economic development
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Elevate The Debate
Urban Institute Update
Elevate the Debate
Five facts about the black homeownership crisis
While other racial groups have largely recovered from the 2008 housing crisis, black homeownership has continued to decline, hitting an all-time low in the first quarter of this year. What’s behind the black-white homeownership gap, and what would help close it?
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Can opportunity be zoned?
Communities across the country are attempting to harness the new Opportunity Zones tax incentive to accelerate their existing economic growth strategies and community plans. Here’s how three cities are using it to revitalize neighborhoods.
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Immigrant families are avoiding their daily routines
Many immigrant families are changing how they go about their daily lives, avoiding routine activities during which they might be asked or bothered about their citizenship status. (Also: see our Spanish-language fact sheet).
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Nine charts about the future of retirement
Trends such as shrinking pensions and longer working lives will shape the future of retirement. Will the next generation of older Americans fare better or worse than those who came before?
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Podcast episode: Raising the income floor for American workers
Despite a growing economy, financial instability and economic anxiety have many Americans in a financial rut. The Economic Security Project’s Chris Hughes and experts from the Tax Policy Center explain how expanding and redesigning the earned income tax credit could provide a basic level of economic security for all workers.
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