From Townhall Spotlight <[email protected]>
Subject The ISRAEL RELIEF Fund
Date December 13, 2023 1:57 PM
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Dear Friend,

Israel is reeling from recent terror attacks; people are living in constant fear. The skies have been filled with rockets, and the nights pierced by sirens.

They need someone to come along side of them in their grief, in their pain, and carry some of the load.


After the brutal attacks by Hamas on October 7, 2023. The people of Israel are experiencing devastation no one should see in their lifetime.

After their towns were raided by terrorist, hundreds of thousands of people are now living in temporary shelter, forced to leave their belongings. They need critical necessities for every day.

Children whose parents were murdered… now orphaned, need immediate help right now, and they need someone to help them find new families, to get adopted, and to rekindle some kind of hope.

Families are going without food because one parent has been called to war, and the other has lost their job. They are facing a financial crisis.

New Bomb Shelters need to be put into populated areas to ensure EVERYONE has immediate access to safety.

This is what the Israel Relief Fund does. It meets these urgent needs and many more.

Even before Israel became a nation, we have been been providing food, clothing, medicine, and protection, for the Jewish people.

Join the ISRAEL RELIEF FUND. Your immediate generosity will provide vital physical and medical aid to people in desperation situations, offering a lifeline to those with nowhere else to turn.

NOW is the time to act! Please give right NOW

Help victims in Israel »
The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry
P.O. Box 908

Bellmawr, NJ 08099 USA


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