Hey Friend,

Wouldn’t you agree that those who claim to want the best for women around the world would instantly speak out against the rape and murder of women and girls perpetrated by Hamas? Sadly, they did not.  

After two months of silence, UN Women finally issued a statement hours after we sent them a letter calling on them to condemn the violence.
Two months. That’s ridiculous.

It’s been disappointing, that so few women’s groups have been speaking out on this grotesque sexual violence too. Where are groups like the National Organization for Women and National Women’s Law Center? Even in a press release to mark the ‘International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women,’ NOW ignored this recent, horrific mass assault on women.

The crimes Hamas has committed towards women and children, which they have disgustingly broadcasted for the world to see on multiple platforms, has been ignored. Or worse, people see these pictures and videos and claim that Hamas is simply fighting for the rights of the Palestinians, claiming that the IDF is murdering civilians.

This is not the case. Hamas uses innocent women and children as shields. 

To eradicate Hamas and protect its citizens from future terrorist attacks, Israeli ground forces are finishing up operations in and around Gaza City while shifting their focus to southern Gaza. The IDF has issued warnings to Palestinian civilians in northern Gaza, advising them to relocate for their safety. Concerns continue to grow about the humanitarian situation in the south. Unfortunately, Hamas intentionally embeds its military operations among civilian centers—including daycare and hospital facilities. 

They seek to maximize the loss of Palestinian lives in order to undermine support for Israel. The IDF has paused its military operations numerous times to allow for humanitarian movement. 

Friend, stand with me and for the innocent lives of women and children that have been violated and stolen. 

Knowledge is power, so I’ve supplied a few resources to help you educate yourself. Read our Debate Prep and Policy Focus for December. Most importantly, you can start taking action:

Meaghan Mobbs
Senior Fellow
Independent Women’s Forum

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