Judy L. Shelton (Wall Street Journal)

Well, it wouldn’t be the first time the Fed used monetary stimulus to swing an election. And it won’t be the last. Can we re-think the Fed? READ MORE »
The Independent Review, Fall 2022
Corey Deangelis (New York Post)

The data, after all these years, is now in. Government-school closures were uncorrelated to incidence of Covid, tracking strongly instead with teacher unionization. But parents cottoned on much earlier—and launched a school-choice revolution. How far can it go? READ MORE »
Vicki E. Alger (American Spectator)

As we head into another election year, the real education debate is: who knows what’s best for kids? California says: “the government.” Florida says: “parents.” Care to guess which state has the higher test scores? READ MORE »
Phillip W. Magness, Ryan M. Yonk, James R. Harrigan (New York Post)

“Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.” The First Amendment is so clear that only a politician could manage to miss the point. And they have—but cleverly are paying private-sector entities to do the dirty work. Ever heard of NewsGuard? You need to. READ MORE »
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