Joe Biden will take the NRA head on!


Dear John,

This week, Brady endorsed gun safety champion Joe Biden for President of the United States! His consistent voting record on this issue and comprehensive plan to prevent gun violence, in all its forms, ensure us that this will be a top priority in his administration.

Vice President Biden’s dedication to this issue spans decades, back to his earliest days in Congress. In 1993, he fought the NRA alongside Jim and Sarah Brady, helping shepherd the landmark Brady Bill into law. One year later, Biden was instrumental in passing a 10-year national ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines — which he has pledged to reinstate as President.

Vice President Biden was a great friend and political ally to Jim (center) and Sarah Brady (far right), working by their side to pass the Brady Bill into law. 

✔️He wrote the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
✔️He forcefully opposed unprecedented legal protections for the gun industry.
✔️He led President Obama’s Task Force On Gun Violence, formed after the Sandy Hook shooting.
✔️He s
hepherded the landmark Brady Bill into law.

And, in addition to that bold record, he’s made gun reform a central message in his campaign for President. He's repeatedly invoked the issue — even when debate moderators failed to address the topic. His policy platform reflects the kind of comprehensive approach necessary to end gun violence, with strong attention to community investment and violence intervention.

We know Joe — and Joe knows us. Just as he did when he joined Jim and Sarah Brady in passing the landmark Brady Bill, Vice President Biden will pass common-sense gun laws that will save lives. Share this image on Facebook to show your support for the next President of the United States, Joe Biden!


Brady Legal Files Suit Against GLOCK Inc. on Behalf of Gun Violence Survivor 

“Carlos Travieso Jr. will spend his entire adult life paralyzed because of an unintentional shooting.”Brady Legal Chief Counsel Jonathan Lowy

On Thursday, Brady Legal and co-counsel Torgenson Law filed suit against gun manufacturer Glock on behalf of Carlos Travieso Jr., who was 18 when he was paralyzed from the waist down after being unintentionally shot. The shooting happened two years ago in March 2018, when Travieso was returning from a church retreat. He was in a car with three other teens when one teen accessed a Glock firearm found in the vehicle. After the magazine was removed from the gun, the teen pulled the trigger — assuming the gun was empty — but the gun discharged, piercing the front seat and entering Carlos’ spine.

This tragedy could easily have been prevented had Glock used standard safety mechanisms in its handgun design. Reasonable safety features, such as a magazine disconnect which does not allow a user to fire the gun when the magazine is withdrawn, were designed precisely to prevent the tragic shooting Carlos suffered.

Companies, especially gun companies, must not needlessly endanger the public. It’s the responsibility of gun manufacturers to ensure that all guns, like any other product, are designed and manufactured responsibly. We look forward to proving Carlos’ case in court! Read more about this new Brady Legal lawsuit.


Reminder: Ask About Gun Safety! 

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Right now, families across the country are facing disruption to their daily lives, including school closures requiring them to seek new childcare options. About 4.6 million children in America live in homes with access to an unlocked or unsupervised gun. Before children visit another home, make sure to ask “Is there an unlocked gun in your home?” This simple question will save lives...including your child’s!

Learn more from our End Family Fire program.

Brady Remembers One Year Since the Christchurch Shooting in New Zealand 

Sunday, March 15, marks one year since a white supremacist targeted two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, murdering 51 worshipers and injuring 49 others. The gunman was armed with two semi-automatic rifles and high-capacity magazines — weapons designed to kill as many people as quickly as possible. 

In response to this hate-filled attack, New Zealand took immediate action to disarm hate, setting an example for other nations to follow. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and the New Zealand legislature banned military-style semi-automatic weapons, assault rifles, and high-capacity magazines. One year after this tragedy, it’s time for our own leaders in America to do the same. We can’t allow another Christchurch, Parkland, Orlando, Las Vegas, Sandy Hook, El Paso, or any other massacre. The time is now to take action!

Right now, bipartisan legislation to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines is sitting before Congress. Urge Congress to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines!

 Tell Congress to act now!   

Joe Biden and Brady President Kris Brown Address Gun Violence in Ohio

From the beginning, Joe Biden has said his campaign is for those who have been knocked down, counted out, or left behind. It’s why he’s in this fight — and that’s why the movement to prevent gun violence is with him. 

Just this week in Ohio, Biden delivered a powerful speech alongside Brady President Kris Brown and Brady Ohio chapter members. He pledged to close loopholes in the Brady Background Check system, reauthorize a ban on assault weapons, and end special protections for the gun industry. Just as Joe helped pass the Brady Bill decades ago, we’re beside him today. Watch Kris Brown and Joe Biden’s powerful speech in Columbus, Ohio.

(L-R) Brady Vice President of Policy Christian Heyne; local activist with Brady Ohio, Sarah Eichorn; longtime gun violence prevention activist, Brinda Copsley; local Brady chapter member, Brittany Eichorn; Vice President Joe Biden; Brady President Kris Brown; advocate for gun safety since the Million Mom March, Julie Collins; and gun violence survivor and influential activist, Erick Bellomy.
🎧 Who Is the City Livable For?
JJ and Kelly talk with singer, rapper, and change agent Farooq Ameen Al-Said from Pittsburgh, PA. Al-Said helps lead 1Hood, a Black-owned and Black-led community organization dedicated to activism and education through the lens of hip hop. They discuss the racist history behind America's gun laws, white supremacy and gun violence, and the positive change when the arts and activism combine. Listen now.

Stuck at home? Have some extra time? Listen to Red, Blue, and Brady!

Listen now!

Brady Gun Violence Prevention Group Endorses Joe Biden for President, MSNBC 

Major Gun Safety Group Endorses Joe Biden’s Presidential Bid, Associated Press 

Pro-Gun Safety Brady Group Endorses Joe Biden for President, CNN

Cory Booker Endorses Joe Biden as Candidates Race Toward More Primaries, New York Times

Panelists Discuss Preventing Firearm-Related Injuries and Deaths, Kaiser Permanente

Throughout Women’s History Month, we’re recognizing the incredible women of the historic Million Mom March. In 2001, the Million Mom March merged with Brady, forming the backbone of our 90 Brady grassroots chapters. Read more about the Million Mom March!

In addition to the nearly one million moms who marched in 2000, 77 communities across the country also participated in the second largest march against gun violence. Helping lead grassroots efforts from Columbus to Cincinnati, Ohio, was Midwest Coordinator Julie Collins. Julie played an integral role in organizing grassroots rallies across Ohio in an effort to push Congress to take common-sense action on gun safety.

A tireless advocate, Julie was part of the successful Starbucks campaign that ended open carry in California and was President of the NAACP of Licking County. Just this week, she stood alongside Brady’s Ohio chapter in support of gun safety champion Joe Biden. Today — and everyday — we are thankful for Julie’s everlasting commitment to preventing gun violence! During Women’s History Month, send a Tweet thanking Julie for her service!

“When we say 100 people a day die from gun violence in our country, that’s 100 fathers, mothers, sisters, and brothers. That is 100 people too many. It’s hundreds of lives ripped apart in every community across the country. I want my two daughters to live in a world where they are free from the fear of gun violence. There are too many children in our country that live in constant fear in their schools, in their homes, and in their communities. We owe them all a better future.”

     — Brady President Kris Brown at a Biden Campaign Event in Ohio.



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