A Note from the Desk of Congresswoman Julia Letlow
It’s been a productive month back home in the Fifth, and in Washington D.C. focusing on the issues at hand that are most important to Louisianans: from fighting to repeal the unfair provisions of WEP/GPO, ensuring our rural public safety agencies have the adequate investments to continue their critical work for our communities, and providing much needed relief to our farmers experiencing drought.
I will continue reaching out to Louisianans about your everyday challenges, and hearing directly from each of you to keep the Fifth District the best place to live, work, and raise a family.
Please feel free to always reach out directly when you have questions, comments, or concerns. Our team is always accessible through this newsletter and our website. We are here to serve you!
Read on for more about my work for Louisianans throughout this month.
Julia Letlow, Ph.D. Member of Congress
The appalling acts of antisemitism and hate that we are seeing across the country on our college campuses toward Jewish students is unacceptable. Let me be clear: Antisemitism has no place on our college campuses. No one should have to feel unsafe or be harassed in a place of learning. I had the chance to question university presidents from Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) who are allowing these hateful acts, and I am calling on all college administrators to stop them once and for all. My remarks include disturbing accounts of Israeli women from October 7th but as a mom, daughter and woman their stories deserve to be told–especially to the college administrators who are watching their students support terrorist regimes that inflict this unspeakable assault and violence on women. The buck stops with university presidents and administrators, and they must be held accountable.
Click the video to watch my remarks during the hearing:
Click the video to watch my reaction following the hearing:
Click the video to watch my latest discussion about the growing threat of antisemitism on our college campuses:
Right before Thanksgiving, the Ways and Means Congressional Committee held a hearing in Baton Rouge to discuss Social Security, and the effects of WEP and GPO on Louisianans. We know WEP and GPO provisions are unfair and are hurting so many of you. You deserve to receive the Social Security that you have paid into. I will continue to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle and be a voice for the thousands of Louisianan’s affected by these unfair provisions to right this wrong.
Click the video to watch my full testimony:
This month I introduced a bill that will further support the creation of new charter schools. This bipartisan legislation will make an important shift in the current rules to allow Charter School Program (CSP) funds to go towards the pre-planning phase of charter schools. This means that those looking to create a new charter school can even use funding to help locate and access new facilities.
This would be a big win for increasing educational opportunities for children, and I look forward to pushing this bill through to the finish line.
Click the graphic below to learn more:
I introduced the Drought Assistance Improvement Act - H.R. 5691 - which is designed to help farmers, ranchers, and producers get drought relief assistance much more quickly and more often. It will make changes to the Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP) and enhance the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honey Bees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP).
As Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP) regulations stand now, farmers, ranchers, and producers have to endure Severe Drought (D2) levels for 8 consecutive weeks before they can qualify for disaster relief payments. That is two whole months that you have to wait and suffer before the payments kick in. H.R. 5691 would reduce the qualification period from 8, to 4 consecutive weeks. This change alone can keep farms afloat and avoid years of repercussions.
Equally as exciting, this bill extends disaster relief for crawfish, and takes drought conditions into consideration for assistance. As you all know, crawfish is a major commodity in our state, and we need to make sure the industry is taken care of.
I’d like to thank the Louisiana Farm Bureau for helping us tackle this issue. They know just as well as I do how important this legislation is for the livelihoods of so many of you. I joined their radio show to talk more about the bill and all the good that it can do.
Click the video to listen to the full interview below:
I was so pleased to join the Daily Signal podcast to continue the important conversation about the Parents Bill of Rights - a critical piece of legislation I was proud to introduce that passed the House in March. As a mom of two and a former educator, I believe for children to succeed, they need families and schools to work together as partners throughout the learning process. This bill clues parents in about what is happening in their children’s schools and what is being taught. This is common sense legislation, but unfortunately right now this transparency is not guaranteed.
Click the video to listen to the full discussion of the importance of the Parents Bill of Rights:
Appropriations Tour
Our team set up Appropriations Workshops across the Fifth District to talk to local businesses and leaders and hear about what they need, and how I can help them succeed. On each stop of our tour, I listened to your priorities for your businesses and communities and chatted about ways myself and my team can be a resource for you. Don’t ever hesitate to reach out to us!
First South Farm Credit
A visit from First South Farm Credit is always a delight. Agriculture is the backbone of Louisiana, and these folks share the same commitment to prioritize our local farmers and ranchers that I do. Thank you for coming by and I’m looking forward to the next visit.
Teacher Awards
Our team was proud to present Mr. Mike Robbins with the teacher of the year award! Mr. Robbins is a teacher at Good Hope Middle School in West Monroe, LA. Not only does he teach our children about history, he teaches them the value of being nice to others. This award is well deserved, and we are lucky to have him in our district.
Speaking Competition
Paige White, a student at Mangham High School, won the statewide public speaking competition this month. This is such an incredible achievement, and I know her future is bright. Congratulations Paige!
Veterans of the Fifth
We owe our freedom to the men and women in our military - past, present, and future. My family and I had the chance to attend a local veterans celebration in Rayville. It is so important for our little ones to begin learning at a young age what veterans have done for them, and learn how to show them the respect that they deserve.
I am honored to represent so many brave veterans who call Louisiana’s Fifth District home, and I was thrilled to be able to recognize one of them on the House Floor. I remain a fierce advocate for veterans support and will ensure our veterans receive the full scope of care and benefits program funding they’ve earned.
Legislative Update
Floor and Committee Activity:
- This month I joined the Committee on Ways and Means for a field hearing on WEP & GPO Social Security provisions. The WEP and GPO provisions are unfair and I will continue to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to ensure our constituents receive the full Social Security benefits they have paid into for their whole lives.
- I supported H.R. 6126, The Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, which provides $14.3 billion in emergency security supplemental appropriations for military assistance to Israel and to ensure the safe return of American citizens impacted by the attacks on Israel.
- I supported H.R. 4364, The FY24 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, which ensures Congress remains open and working for Americans so it can continue conducting oversight of the Executive Branch and hold the Biden administration accountable.
I supported H.R. 4394, The FY24 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, which supports strong national nuclear security, prioritizes energy competitiveness, and reins in wasteful Washington spending by rescinding $5.58 billion from the Inflation Reduction Act.
- I supported H.R. 4821, The FY24 Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, which protects hunting, fishing, and recreational activities, includes pro-American energy policies that will return the country back to energy independence, and includes critical water projects that will benefit the Fifth District of Louisiana.
- I supported H.R. 4664, the FY24 Department of Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act, which would prohibit overburdensome federal regulations that depress economic growth, while prioritizing programs that combat terrorism and opioid abuse, protect our financial markets, and preserve a fair and efficient judicial system.
- I supported H.R. 5961, The No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act, which would stop Iran from supporting terrorist activity and block Iran from accessing the $6 billion in assets transferred by the Biden Administration in September.
- I supported H.R. 5283, The Protecting our Communities from Failure to Secure the Border Act, which would prohibit the use of federal funds to provide housing to illegal immigrants on any federal land under the jurisdiction of the Federal land management agencies.
Notable Letters & Bills:
- I introduced H.R.6418, the Empower Charter School Educators to Lead Act, which promotes the development of new high-quality charter schools and fosters new educational options for future generations. I will continue to stand for school choice and bolster opportunities for charter schools.
- I co-led H.R. 6198, the bipartisan BUILD Act, to ensure our rural public safety agencies have adequate investments to continue their critical work for our communities. This bill would support infrastructure investment in small law enforcement agencies and fire departments.
- I co-led H.R. 6156, the bipartisan Child Care Small Business Insight and Improvement Act. This critical legislation ensures child care providers by increasing the SBA’s role in supporting for-profit child care small businesses across the country by assessing the needs of providers, the resources they currently provide, and designating a point person for child care at the Agency.
- I cosponsored H.R. 3381, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, to further support those who have dedicated their careers to law enforcement. This bill will create new programs within the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund and National Law Enforcement Museum to enhance community outreach, education, and safety & wellness programs, as well as create new programs that memorialize and honor law enforcement.
- I cosponsored the H.R. 5933, the Deterrent Act. This legislation will safeguard American educational institutions from attempts by hostile foreign entities to influence the actions of universities.
- I cosponsored 3 resolutions and one bill affirming my support for Israel, their right to exist, and condemning the terrible actions of Hamas terrorists, including H. Res. 777, H. Res. 777, H. Res. 798, and H.R. 5947.
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