Fair Fight is working every day to make sure people can use their power in our democracy — but we need this grassroots team 

Right-wing activists are sifting through voter registration lists to question their fellow American citizens’ qualifications to vote. It’s a grassroots effort to purge the nation's registration rolls ahead of the 2024 elections.

CBS News recently reported on how more than 80,000 challenges have been filed against voters in Georgia alone since 2021:

"Georgia became ground zero for the movement after Republicans in the state pushed through a law in 2021 allowing citizens to file an unlimited number of challenges against fellow voters within their own county."

It’s a blatant ploy to prevent voters — especially young voters, people of color, and unhoused folks — from having their voices heard. 

We won’t stand by and let that happen.

National media coverage puts urgent issues in front of the public and key allies — so our Communications, Voter Protection, and Organizing teams facilitated conversations between the CBS News reporters and voters and elections officials quoted in the story. We’re ringing the alarm bells, lifting up the stories of people hurt by these challenges, and working every day to make sure people can use their power in our democracy. But we need this grassroots team.

Chip in $20 today to help combat voter suppression, push back against threats like these challenges, and ensure access to the ballot box.

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We all deserve the freedom to participate in our democracy and hold anyone who seeks to hoard power accountable. 

This is one of the guiding principles of Fair Fight’s Democracy Watch program. Our Voter Protection experts and Organizers work with pro-voter Board of Elections members: providing training, resources, and other tools to help them protect the freedom to vote, including by connecting them to national experts and allies. 

These efforts ensure that leaders at the frontlines of protecting our democracy have the support they need to run free and fair elections during a time of heightened tensions and efforts to undermine the process.

Mass challenges are just one prong of an anti-voter strategy attacking election administration from every angle — so we’ll keep pushing back from every angle. And activists like you make this work possible every time you pitch in.

Will you make a $20 donation to Fair Fight today to power our fight to protect voting rights in Georgia and across the country?

—Team Fair Fight