Hi John,
Before the year comes to an end, I want to remind you of the difference you can make by giving to the Entertainment Community Fund. With your membership gift, you will help provide a much-needed safety net for performing arts professionals. You will also enable us to expand the capacity of our programs and services to respond to urgent needs during such difficult times.
And thanks to our Matching Gift Challenge, if you join as a member today, your gift will be doubled up to $75,000!
As a member of the Entertainment Community Fund, you’ll be eligible for exclusive benefits such as access to purchase House Seats to current Broadway shows and discounts for BroadwayHD, starting at the $100 membership level and up.
Your support will also provide critical resources for all members of our community, like emergency financial assistance, affordable housing, senior care, health insurance counseling and more.
Being a member of the Fund truly helps provide life-saving support for performing arts professionals in times of great need. Please make a membership gift today so that it will be matched!
Thank you for your incredible support!
 Alex Agard (he, him, his) Manager of Membership
Membership Benefits
Member, $25 to $49
- Subscription to Marquee, the Entertainment Community Fund newsletter
- Advance notification by email for select Special Events
Sustainer, $50 to $99 All Member benefits, plus:
- Exclusive discounts from our partners, including Dance Magazine
- FREE Entertainment Community Fund tote bag (new members only)
Friend, $100 to $249 All Sustainer benefits, plus:
- Access to purchase two House Seat tickets Monday-Thursday (one show only)
- 25% off a one-year subscription to BroadwayHD
Patron, $250 to $499 All Friend benefits, with the following change to House Seats:
- Access to purchase two House Seat tickets per production Monday-Thursday
Champion, $500 to $999 All Patron benefits, with the following change to House Seats:
- Access to purchase two House Seat tickets per production Monday-Friday
Inner Circle, $1,000 to $1,499 All Champion benefits, with the following change to House Seats:
- Access to purchase two House Seat tickets per production ANY DAY
- 35% off a one-year subscription to BroadwayHD
- FREE Entertainment Community Fund water bottle (new members only)
- 15% off tickets to select Special Performances and Producer’s Picks (Quantities limited and subject to availability)
Premiere Inner Circle, $1,500 to $2,499 All Inner Circle benefits, with the following change to House Seats:
- Access to purchase four House Seat tickets per production ANY DAY
For additional details on on any of these benefits or assistance in accessing them, please contact Laura Packer at [email protected] or 917.281.5970 or Gigi Gervais at [email protected] or 917.281.5982.