Coronavirus Response (COVID-19)

Where did COVID-19 come from? Early on the Chinese Government told the world it originated in a market. We all know now that it is a virus that had been weaponized and some how got out of the lab. Could it be that the Chinese Government intentionally released the virus on to the US in retaliation for the tariffs imposed by the US on Chinese products?
The President set a travel ban on China in response to the outbreak in China to limit the impact on the United States. China knows that they can’t defeat the United States Militarily in a conventional war. What they have done is create a panic in the general population with the help of our own media.
Americans need to think back just a few years about other so-called killer virus outbreaks. We lived through them as we will survive this threat as well. One thing to remember is that this virus is designed to kill large swath of the population. It is in fact designed to cause panic in a population to allow for more government control. The COVID-19 virus is a formidable bug but following simple procedures we can protect ourselves and families from being infected. I believe that this will be a short-lived outbreak especially as winter subsides and temperatures rise.
As of today, 03/13/2020 49 people have died from underlying health issues that were infected with COVID-19 in the United States. Just over 145,000 are known to have been infected of which there have been 5411 death making the mortality rate of 3% worldwide. We here the elected officials say we need more testing how does testing stop the spread of the virus. The first step to stopping the spread be containment which is something that has been done in New York. We all need to practice the mitigation steps that have been published.
We don’t need to panic and start hoarding supplies of perishable foods and other commodities that everyone needs. The approach to this should be calm and logical not emotional. Step back and look at the situation and evaluate your situation don’t fall into the mind set that it is the end of the world as you know it. The world will move on and this will be forgotten by most people by the end the summer.
It just occurred to me that the same people that say climate change will kill all of us and those that support abortion are the one that are now most concerned about us now. Can you say that they are using a crisis to pander for votes because they “really care” but while the President was working to protect Americans, they were impeaching him. They all knew about the threat but did nothing our current Congresswoman Veronica Escobar was directly involved in that process. Why did she not care then but cares now? During the 2018 campaign I brought the issue of that allowing unscreened people into the United States was the biggest threat to our national security. This is just one of the reasons that I am running for Congress to unseat Veronica Escobar. I need your support to win in November consider contributing to this effort.

Kind regards,
Samuel Williams

Candidate for US Congress TX 16 CD

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