The FCC is taking comments NOW about their new Net Neutrality rules!
It’s been six years since Donald Trump’s FCC killed the open internet, and since then, we’ve seen just how badly Big Cable can abuse its power. It took a major battle to pass Net Neutrality in California, but the FCC can bring the rules to the rest of the nation with its new proposal -- if we can drown out lobbyists from AT&T, Comcast, and the rest of the ISPs.
Already, Big Cable is trying to delay the FCC’s vote by requesting specious extensions. The lobbyists hope that if they can hold out for a more corporate-friendly president, they can get an FCC who will bury Net Neutrality forever. That’s why we have to push for as many comments as possible right now, so the FCC’s decision is made easy.
Our Battle for the Net coalition has made turning in a pro-Net Neutrality comment to the FCC super easy. Click here to send yours!
While Republicans want to characterize Net Neutrality as “President Biden’s takeover of the internet,” the fact remains that these protections keep broadband open for all and out of the hands of Big Cable. The rules especially serve rural communities, communities of color, and others who have historically had less access to high-speed internet.(1)
Net Neutrality remains hugely popular with people across the nation, but we have to prove that popularity with comments to the FCC. We’ve joined with more than 30 other organizations to help create a special website,, to make it easy for people to tell the FCC and Congress why Net Neutrality is important. We have driven nearly 65,000 comments already, which is a great start.
We need to keep the pressure on to counter Republican attacks and finally get Net Neutrality across the finish line. The FCC’s comment period closes this Thursday, so please take action now.
Add your name: The FCC must reinstate Net Neutrality now!
Thank you for standing for the open internet.
–Irene, along with Angela, Annie, Isidra, Jen, Mario, Marvin, Alyssa, and Lindsay (and the rest of the Courage team)
Footnote: 1.