The Left
Has Billions To Register New Democrat Voters. When Will Conservatives
Get Serious?
While Republicans have been focusing on sharpening their
arguments to win the next election, “progressive” operatives have been
busy honing their secret weapon—and the conservative movement is
totally unprepared to counter it. If patriots don’t wake up to the new
reality on the 2024 battlefield, we’ll lose more than the next
election; we’ll lose the nation.

Fentanyl Pours Across Southern Border, 1 in 34 Arizonans Face Death
From Overdose
A shocking new study estimates that Arizona leads the country in
drug overdose deaths, with 1 in every 34 Arizonans likely to die from
fentanyl, opioids, or other narcotics amidst an unprecedented flood of
illegal aliens across America’s southern border.
That’s significantly higher than the odds in the border states of
California (1 in 40) and Texas (1 in 69), according to data from the
website JustFacts.
It also puts Arizona ahead of the shockingly high national probability
of 1 in 39 deaths from overdose. Only New Mexico is worse, at 1 in 27
deaths per person.

New on First Right:
The Fall of Minneapolis With Producer Liz
First Right welcomes Liz Collin, producer of the groundbreaking
film The
Fall of Minneapolis. Liz is a former mainstream media reporter who
went against the narrative to expose the holes in the story
surrounding George Floyd's death, the 2020 riots, the trial of Derek
Chauvin, and the fallout the city of Minneapolis has suffered ever
now for insight on the media, our justice system, and why future
law enforcement is at risk.

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