Help us raise $5,000

Dear John,

Young people have the most at stake in the fight for climate justice, as they have more of their futures to lose to the impacts of climate chaos. We’re trying to raise $5,000 by the end of the year so that we can keep supporting young climate activists as they fight for their futures in 2024 and beyond.

Can you give today to support this work?


With so much knowledge and personal commitment in the fight for climate justice, youth have led the way in many of our fights against the fossil fuel industry.

“Climate Villains”

At the start of 2023, Breach worked with Portland’s youth climate organizers to identify a list of the city’s “climate villains” (including Zenith Energy and NW Natural), drawing attention to the various local private corporations and governmental bodies with anti-climate track records. This messaging not only provides an important backbone to the local climate movement, but also bolsters energy and clarity in the fights for accountability.

In late January, as part of Breach’s broader campaign against “natural” methane gas, we discovered gas utilities company NW Natural had scheduled a training for teachers in Portland on renewable “natural” gas and hydrogen – two well-known false and greenwashed solutions. We worked with partner organizations and local young climate activists to plan and publicize a protest to call out the training as propaganda, which led to the cancellation of the training.

After the passage of Eugene’s electrification ordinance in February, NW Natural spent more than $1Million via a front group (“Eugene Residents for Energy Choice”) to derail the policy. Youth in Eugene were instrumental in the outcry that followed, which culminated in a March youth climate strike that, with our organizing and communications support, drew media attention to NW Natural’s efforts to undermine local climate policy and the general financial and misinformation war being waged by the “natural” gas industry to thwart a just transition.

Portland’s youth organizers have been some of the most vocal opponents to Zenith Energy and some of our most crucial partners in the campaign to #StopZenithOil. Last month, we joined with young climate activists to organize a rally at the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to demand that it and Governor Kotek use their legal authority to stop Zenith’s oil-by-rail operations in Portland. You may have seen that this campaign escalated even further last week, when Multnomah County sent a letter to Governor Kotek and DEQ advising that they deny Zenith a key permit.

Climate Strikes

Oregon’s youth climate strikes have been instrumental in keeping climate at the forefront of policy discussions and commitments in the region. We supported youth organizers to mobilize students across Portland for the May 2023 climate strike that drew thousands of young protesters out of class and into the streets to demand action from leaders.

The Oregon-wide September 2023 youth climate strikes built off of this momentum. In Portland, Eugene, Salem, Bend, and Ashland, youth took to the streets to demand Governor Kotek declare a climate emergency and to further underscore the need for action by elected leaders against local fossil fuel companies NW Natural and Zenith Energy. Breach staff joined weekly planning calls in order to ensure the successful organization of these strikes, in addition to providing communications support to amplify the impact and media coverage.


Last month, Breach co-organized the first national Youth vs. Fossil Fuels Convergence, which brought together young climate organizers from around the country, many of whom are actively involved in frontline fossil fuel resistance campaigns. Breach was instrumental to the success of this Convergence, with staff and board members serving as core organizers of the event and leading multiple panels and workshops. We remain on the event’s core organizing team to support future youth collaboration and Convergences, with specific plans to support a youth presence at the 2024 Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago in order to secure key focus on fossil fuel policy.

Education & Resource-Sharing

Throughout the month of August, Breach created a weekly meeting space to help Portland youth harness and hone their climate justice organizing power with a workshop series that connected them with experienced leaders and mentors. This power-building tactic was received well by local youth organizers, many of whom asked Breach to host another (Spring 2024) series.

In the fall, as a result of this workshop series, Breach hired Youth Environmental Law Intern Niomi Markel. Niomi’s experience as a high school climate organizer provides key insights into how best Breach can work with and support regional youth work. Niomi played an important role in the successes of youth-led climate organizing this quarter, including the Convergence, and Breach is committed to supporting her future work and bringing on another youth intern to ensure that we continue following youth leadership.


Make a tax-deductible donation or set up a monthly recurring donation today so that we can continue to support youth in the fight for their future. Young climate activists are a cornerstone of the climate movement and your contribution will support our ability to help them make a strong and lasting impact.

In solidarity,

Josie and the Breach Team

Photo Credit:

(1) May 2023 Climate Strike by Mark Graves/The Oregonian

(2) Rally at Oregon DEQ by Juan Carlos Vildósola Covarrubias

(3) Youth v. Fossil Fuels Convergence by Ben Goloff