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This is the Last Week Before Congress Ends its Session: Demand an End to the Palestinian Genocide

Dear Email,

We have entered the ninth week of Israel's relentless assault on Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, and more than 18,000 Palestinians have lost their lives. The US government has actively facilitated the mass slaughter of nearly 8,000 Palestinian children in 63 days.  

Last week, the United States vetoed another UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire. This decision leaves the U.S. isolated, as it stands alone among nations in preventing diplomatic efforts to end the genocide. 


Check if your Senators and Representatives have called for a ceasefire using the tracker. If they have, please thank them and ask them to continue pushing for a ceasefire and vote no on more weapons to the Israeli government.

As we approach the last week before Congress goes into recess for the remainder of 2023, the urgency of our advocacy cannot be overstated. In the face of these atrocities, our government is still working to send more than $14 billion in weapons to Israel. We must intensify our efforts and demand that our elected officials make an urgent, public call for a permanent ceasefire and vote against sending more weapons to Israel. 

Use our action tool to email and call the administration and your Members of Congress. Encourage your friends and family to do the same. We cannot afford to let this momentum wane. Daily action is crucial until justice is served, and Gaza deserves our enduring commitment.

In addition to taking action via our action tool, consider tweeting at the President and your Congress members using these sample tweets: 

  1. The legacy of your presidency is at stake, @potus. The $14.3 billion proposed for Israel, combined with the annual $3.8 billion, is morally indefensible amidst indiscriminate attacks on civilians. History will scrutinize this moment. Demand a Ceasefire NOW. 
  2. 68% of Americans want a ceasefire. The world is watching the U.S. response, and we are undeniably on the wrong side of history @congressmember. Israel has murdered 20k Palestinians in 9 weeks; how many more have to die before you call for a Ceasefire? 

As we confront the gravity of the situation, let us stand united in pressuring Congress not to fund the occupation and to demand an immediate permanent ceasefire. This week is pivotal, and your advocacy can make a difference.

Thank you for taking action for Palestine.


Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action)

Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action), an affiliate of American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization lobbying for legislation that supports the human rights of the Palestinian people.


Americans for Justice in Palestine Action
6404 Seven Corners PlaceSte N
Falls Church, Virginia 22044
Email us at [email protected]
or call (703) 534-1904
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