Ending strong, standing with workers

Dear Friend,


This year was pivotal for our communities in DC, we want to thank you for showing up to our community’s urgent needs! 


This year, the DC JWJ community stood up for street vendors, domestic workers, Excluded Workers in the DC budget. We joined picket lines from Loudoun County to the Intercon Hotel to the Washington Post. And we spread joy and built power in our neighborhoods and high schools. At every step of the way, you have shown up!


As we close out 2023, we know none of our work is possible without your ongoing help. Supporting our work means you are fueling the movement. Together, we are building the DC we all deserve. If you are able, please consider giving to support our movement building work

We are grateful for you and thank you for showing up!


In solidarity,

Eduarda Serafim

Solidarity Organizer
DC Jobs With Justice