Oregon's assault on wolves must end immediately.
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Gray wolf

Hi John,

Wolf-killing is rampant in Oregon. State and federal officials have killed 16 of the animals in 2023 — the deadliest year ever.

Two more were found illegally poached just last month. The carnage must end.

Please help save wolves and other species today with a gift to the Saving Life on Earth Fund. All gifts through Dec. 31 will be doubled.

Neighbor states like Idaho and Montana have long been danger zones for gray wolves. And in Washington, 44 wolves have been killed since 2012 by the state wildlife department on behalf of livestock owners.

But now Oregon has executed more than a third as many wolves in a single year as Washington has in a decade. And it has kill orders in place putting three more wolves, from two different packs, in its crosshairs.

This trigger-happy approach is despicable.

That's why the Center is rallying supporters to urge the state's Department of Fish and Wildlife to stop killing wolves and instead use nonlethal measures to solve conflicts with livestock.

It's why we're contributing to a reward seeking an arrest and conviction in two separate illegal wolf-killings in Oregon. Poachers must be brought to justice.

Science tells us that killing wolves breaks up wolf families, can leave pups unable to fend for themselves, and may result in even more problems with livestock — exactly what we've seen happening in Oregon.

Wolves are a keystone species, integral to the ecosystems where they live. When they prosper, so does the other wildlife around them.

We know how to save them and ensure the survival of endangered species. Science shows us the way, but we need to act with the urgency this moment calls for.

Each day the Center fights to save wolves and other species on the brink.

Our love for wildlife is what keeps us going, and we need you with us.

Please help by making a matched gift now to the Saving Life on Earth Fund.

For the wild,

Kierán Suckling

Kierán Suckling
Executive Director
Center for Biological Diversity


P.S. Monthly supporters who give steady gifts of $10 or $20 sustain the Center's swift and continued action to save wildlife. Do your part by starting a monthly donation.

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Photo of gray wolf from Jillian Cooper/iStock

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Center for Biological Diversity
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