What happens to our democracy if extremist Republicans take full control of Washington?

Ayanna Pressley for Congress

What happens to our democracy if extremist Republicans take full control of Washington? Nothing good.

The Republican front runner — the twice-impeached former occupant of the White House — just said he would be a dictator on ‘day one’ if re-elected.

The Republican Speaker of the House — extremist Mike Johnson — has not only conspired with the former occupant of the White House to overturn the 2020 election results, but he has also supported and co-sponsored some of the worst national abortion bans in the country.

It’s clear that Republicans aren’t interested in solving problems for people, just sowing chaos, dysfunction, and eroding folks’ trust in government. That’s why we cannot risk another Trump presidency or Mike Johnson speakership. The threat that unified Republican rule poses to all of us — and our democracy at large — is simply too great.

So I’m asking: Can you rush a donation now to help ensure we have the resources to fight back in the critical months ahead? I wouldn’t be asking if your support wouldn’t make a real difference.

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Republicans pose a threat to some of our most fundamental freedoms, from abortion care to the right to vote. The fact of the matter is, abortion is health care, and health care is a human right. And our democracy is only truly inclusive when the power is in the hands of the people and everyone can make their voices heard.

These are issues that I’ve been fighting for in Congress since day one. And I’ve seen how Republican control can result in renewed and prolonged chaos, with the American people feeling the blowback of their cruelty and callousness on every front. We can’t allow it to happen again.

If you’re able, please donate $25 right away to ensure we have the resources to keep pushing for progress and resist the GOP’s extremism.

Yours in service,
