Your weekly Indivisible Newsletter Indivisibles,
House Republicans are playing political games rather than governing…again.
In a move that a member of their own caucus described as “relying on an imagined history,” House Republicans are planning to move forward with a vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry into President Biden.
In case you were wondering, we still do not have a full government funding package nor have we finalized sending more aid to Ukraine or many other vital functions of our Congress. Instead of working to the benefit of the American people (and the world), MAGA Republicans are continuing their baseless attacks in order to appease the most extreme members of their base and their insurrectionist leader -- Donald Trump.
The good thing? Speaker Mike Johnson can only afford to lose three votes and Ken Buck (R-CO) has already vowed to vote against it. That means it would only take two more Republicans to peel away from the motion for Speaker Johnson to suffer a humiliating defeat and this empty inquiry can be put to rest.
For more context, here’s a handy resource on the empty impeachment, how it does nothing to help our communities, the clear desire to use this impeachment to damage President Biden electorally, and Republicans’ blatant pandering to far-right trolls.
Here’s how you can help. If you have a Republican representative:
- Call your representative and demand they vote “no” on an impeachment inquiry.
- Email your representative and demand the same thing.
- Write a letter to the editor (LTE) to your local newspapers denouncing Republicans for pursuing this farce rather than actually doing the jobs they were elected to do.
It is past time for Congress to cut out the posturing and get back to governing. Make sure they hear your voice.
With that, here are your weekly to-dos:
Your 4 weekly to-dos
- If you have a Democratic MoC, write an LTE about Trump’s threat to repeal the ACA. We need to make sure every American knows that he’s planning to strip away healthcare from millions of people. This is a direct attack on the health and safety of the people alongside what would have a devastating impact on our economy. Make sure your community knows what’s at stake next November.
- Write an LTE on Trump’s dangerous positions on abortion. Trump is once again trying to lie to the American people and position himself as moderate on abortion. Let’s be clear -- Trump is no moderate. It was his SCOTUS nominations that sealed the deal on overturning Roe. He can’t go back now and scrub his legacy for votes now that he knows abortion is one of the most mobilizing issues of our time. We know where he stands, make sure your neighbors do too.
- If you have a Republican Member of Congress (MoC), write an LTE demanding that they denounce Trump’s threats to the Affordable Care Act. In 2017, our collective efforts, town halls, and constituent pressure made the difference in ensuring the ACA was here to stay. With Trump, once again, putting our health care in his sights, make sure your representatives know that they must publicly oppose taking away healthcare from millions of Americans.
- Write a letter to the editor (LTE) warning your community that No Labels is a threat to our democracy. No Labels is planning to run a spoiler candidate in the 2024 presidential election in order to deny any candidate the 270 electoral votes needed to be elected. That would send the decision about our next president to the MAGA-controlled House of Representatives and clear the way for a second Trump presidency. Make sure your community knows just how dangerous No Labels’ plan would be for our democracy.
P.S. If you've completed your weekly to-do's and are looking for more ways to support this movement, consider making a donation today. Your contribution will help keep our call pages up and running, fund the tools we use to mobilize volunteers, and continue all the work we're doing this year.
Call for a Humanitarian Ceasefire
**Content Warning: Talk about the current humanitarian crisis in Israel and Palestine. Jump to the line break if you need to avoid this topic.** |
Over 17,900 Palestinians -- including at least 7,729 children -- have been killed in the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza following the murder of over 1400 Israeli, American, and foreign citizens and the abduction of more than 200 hostages on October 7.
This crisis must end, and that has to include the immediate release of all hostages.
Last week, one of the largest unions in the country, the United Auto Workers (UAW), joined a growing coalition of unions calling for a ceasefire, stating that, “we cannot bomb our way to peace.” In another addition to the list of unions calling for a ceasefire, union president Becky Pringle of the National Education Association (NEA) explained that, “There is no tenable military solution to this crisis. Peace and security will only come from diplomacy, not through death and oppression. Educators know that our children are watching, hurting, and in need of a lasting peace.”
Peace must be our guiding light.
Along with a growing number of unions and global human rights organizations, at least 61 Members of Congress have called for a ceasefire or cessation of hostilities. It is past time we bring this humanitarian crisis to an end in order to do the real work of ensuring everyone’s safety in the region and globally. We owe it to our Jewish and Palestinian friends, neighbors, and allies who are bearing the brunt of the violence along with increased discrimination and harassment, and we owe it to an entire generation of children being traumatized by this violence or, worse, losing their lives.
It’s time for every MoC to get on board.
Indivisible Project: Holiday Wish List
Happy Ho-ho-holidays from Indivisible. We’ve only asked for a few presents this year, and you can help us check one item off of our wish list.
Donald Trump took our courts and drove them so far to the right that it’s now impossible to not identify the Supreme Court as an arm of the MAGA Republican Party. Whether it's blatant corruption from MAGA justices, overturning affirmative action, permitting businesses to discriminate against LGBTQ+ people, or the continuing reverberations across the nation of the Dobbs decision overturning Roe, this transparently Republican Supreme Court has chipped away at the rights of Americans while showing no accountability themselves.
And it doesn’t end with SCOTUS -- Republicans in the Senate have been using an archaic rule known as “blue slips” to block the confirmations of pro-democracy judges. They’re hoping that if they stall long enough, they can appoint MAGA judges to the bench instead.
All we want for the holidays is for our senators to act now to protect democracy and restore legitimacy to our judicial system.
If you have Democratic senators:

And, if you have Republican senators:

Restoring legitimacy back to our courts is crucial to ensuring that the American people don’t continue to be the victims of a dangerous slide towards fascism. True checks and balances are a cornerstone of a free and representative democracy; we must do everything in our power to prevent the judiciary from continuing to be an arm of the most extreme wings of the Republican party. Send your emails now!
Indivisible Civics: Truth Brigade

Join Indivisible Civics for our Truth Brigade -- Big Truths: Celebrate Community call this Wednesday, December 13 at 6:30pm ET/3:30pm PT. As we draw closer to the end of 2023 (wasn’t it just 2019?), we want to take some time and celebrate the incredible accomplishments of the previous year. Join Indivisible Civics’ Truth Brigade as we celebrate the wins and move forward into the new year with our new “Disinfo-Busters” campaign!
IndivisiWin of the Week

The Guilford Raging Grannies opened up our North Carolina group leader gathering in Greensboro with a few songs to get us motivated.
Follow us on Facebook, Mastodon, Threads, and Instagram to keep up on the latest information, and text “INDIVISIBLE” to 59798 to opt-in to our text messaging program, where we send rapid response actions a few times a month.
We want to make sure to wish you a happy holidays! It may sound hokey, but our network of Indivisibles across the country is the gift that keeps on giving! We’re lucky to be in this with you.
In solidarity, Indivisible Team