Dear John,
I write to you today during an extraordinarily chaotic time in Washington.
Over the past few months, the federal government has come to the verge of a shutdown not once, but twice, due to division and dysfunction within the Republican party. While House Republicans’ struggled to elect a new speaker, the American people were left without a functioning government for an unprecedented 22 days in October, and our global allies were left without urgent support.
Cooler heads eventually prevailed and we ultimately avoided a devastating Thanksgiving shutdown, but the recent chaos we’ve faced shows that the radical wing of the GOP is more emboldened than ever.
I’ve heard from many of you recently who are worried about the serious threats that we face from the MAGA movement and the likes of Mike Johnson, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, and Donald Trump.
I share your concern. The rise of MAGA extremism within the Republican Party is a clear and present danger to our country. We are bearing witness as it threatens the most vital functions of our government, and the rights and freedoms we hold most dear.
Be assured, however, that my Democratic colleagues and I will fight these extremists on each and every front of the battle. We are focused, we are united, and, with your support, we will prevail in the face of these unprecedented challenges.
Probably the thing I like least about my job is having my hand out and asking for money. It is however essential and necessary given the significance of the challenge we face. If you can, would you contribute $10, $50, or $100 now to send a clear message to the GOP that their chaos and extremism won’t stand?
John, nowhere is our fight against extremism more urgent than with Social Security.
Just one day before a potential government shutdown, House Republicans charged forward with a bill to cut Social Security Administration funding by 30% and form a commission aimed at slashing Americans’ earned benefits. This is only the latest of their many plans to undermine the program.
For 87 years, the federal government has made a sacred promise to all Americans: if you contribute to Social Security with every paycheck, you will retire with dignity. This promise must be upheld, and I am committed to ensuring it remains intact. That’s why I’ve put forward the leading plan in Congress to not only protect Social Security for decades to come, but also to enhance benefits for the first time in over 50 years.
If you agree with me that we must protect and enhance Social Security, please show your support by sending a donation of $10, $50, or $100 today. We need your help more than ever.
Whether it’s Social Security, gun violence, or reproductive freedom, we cannot sit back and wait for progress. We must act with the fierce urgency of now!
Because the MAGA Republican threat does not stop at Social Security. They are determined to ban abortion nationwide, restrict the right to vote, repeal the Affordable Care Act, and more. In short, they want to reverse decades of progress, including the historic gains my Democratic colleagues and I delivered last Congress.
Democrats gave a tax cut to working families and made sure that billion-dollar corporations paying $0 in taxes now have to pay a minimum of 15%.
Democrats made the largest investment in addressing climate change in our nation’s history, allowing us to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% over the next decade and creating good jobs in the process.
Democrats capped insulin costs at $35/month for Medicare beneficiaries and allowed Medicare to negotiate directly for lower drug prices.
This is what we are up against. This is what’s at stake. If you’re able to help us in this fight, please send a donation today.
As we approach 2024, MAGA Republicans are getting ready to make their big move.
They’ve already made it clear that they won’t tolerate anyone who gets in their way by removing McCarthy as Speaker. Now they are poised to do whatever it takes to push through their extremist agenda, including holding the American economy hostage and shutting down the government.
We must be ready. No matter what they throw at us, know that I will continue to be focused on doing what’s best for the American people, and on helping Americans with the concerns they face every day when they sit down at the kitchen table. With your support, we can overcome the radicalism that threatens our nation’s future.
Thank you for all you’ve already done to help, your dedication, and your unwavering belief in a brighter tomorrow. I hope, if possible, that you will step up again during this critical time. Let’s seize this moment and make history together.
John Larson