[ [link removed] ]Katie Porter for Senate
John, our
campaign finance system allows for legalized corruption. Here’s how to
clean it up:
* Ban taking donations from registered lobbyists
* Ban corporate PAC money
* Overturn Citizens United and get dark money out of politics
While I’ll keep pushing for these reforms, I won’t BS you: It’s an uphill
climb to enact them. But right now, every single Member of Congress has a
choice to make: how they fund their own campaign.
That’s why I don’t take a dime from corporate PACs, federal lobbyists, Big
Oil, Big Pharma, or Big Bank CEOs. I’m one of just eleven Members of
Congress who rejects federal lobbyist money. This pledge should be the
norm, not an exception.
You can help reduce the role of big money in politics by voting for and
supporting people-powered candidates. Your donations to our campaign are
so meaningful because I rely on grassroots supporters. Seriously, 99% of
our donations are of $100 or less. [ [link removed] ]Can you chip in today?
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I’m the only candidate in this race who has never taken corporate PAC
money. It’s not a pledge I took just because I’m running for the U.S.
Senate, this is who I am.
I know people make a real sacrifice when they donate. I’m SO grateful for
every grassroots supporter, because I literally would not have made it to
Congress without the teachers, service workers, and retired folks who
power our campaign and keep me fighting against corporate special
interests and corruption.
Katie Porter
[ [link removed] ]Donate ›››
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