Dear folks,
I wanted to provide a short update on how we are adjusting and operating in light of the coronavirus crisis and the rapidly changing conditions it is causing.
For us, and we hope for you, priority one must be protecting health -- of voters, volunteers, staff and the public at large. At this critical moment, we all have a responsibility to flatten the curve of the spread of this virus. At the same time, we continue to have a duty to protect the right to vote in the upcoming election and the responsibility to support our candidates, at every level, as we head into the fall campaign season.
Weighing those factors, here are several key areas we are addressing.
Polling Locations
Almost 130 polling locations have been closed because they house vulnerable populations. Replacement locations are being identified, and we are working to contact the non-resident voters -- by mail and/or phone -- to inform them of their new polling places. These locations will also be posted on as quickly as possible. Finally, we will send volunteers out on Primary Election Day to ensure that signs are in place at each closed polling place that inform voters where the new polling place is located.
How you can help: Encourage people to go to to confirm their polling location.
Voting Early
Given the general worry about long lines and large-scale interactions, we are strongly encouraging people to vote early. Early in-person vote locations are generally less crowded, and absentee ballots will be counted as long as they are postmarked by Monday, March 16, or returned in person to your county board of elections by Tuesday, March 17, at 7:30 p.m.
How you can help: Encourage people to vote early -- find out more at
Poll Workers
There is currently a troubling shortage of poll workers, particularly as more senior poll workers opt out. Fewer poll workers could result in long lines and other problems. To the extent younger folks are willing, we are asking them to serve as poll workers on Primary Election Day. Hundreds have already answered the call. Click here to sign up to work the polls on Primary Election Day. You'll get to be a part of our democratic process and even earn a little extra cash.

If you encounter challenges or problems regarding voting in your community, please reach out to Voter Protection Director Gretchen Bennett at [email protected].
Look Out for One Another
More broadly, global health crises like the COVID-19 outbreak remind us of the importance of looking out for one another and using common sense to keep our communities safe. Besides frequently washing your hands and staying home when you're sick, there are several actions you can take to show support to your community:
- Call your neighbors and loved ones who are at greater risk (if they are older or have pre-existing illnesses).
- Donate to your local food bank to help out folks who are experiencing food insecurity (click here to donate to the Ohio Association of Food Banks).
- If using home delivery services, tip well! If you have to discontinue a cleaning service or child care, continue to pay these service workers as you would normally, if you are financially able.
Ohio can be an example to the rest of the country of how to respond to pandemics -- so let's listen to public health experts and do our part to flatten the curve.
Stay safe,
David Pepper
Ohio Democratic Party
