Welcome to Monday, December 11th, friends...

The U.S. vetoed a U.N. resolution demanding a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza.

The vote in the 15-member council was 13-1, with the UK abstaining. All other members voted for a ceasefire. U.S. Deputy Ambassador Robert Wood said the resolution was "imbalanced." Other security council members have criticized the U.S.'s veto. 

Do you support a ceasefire?

Sen. Tuberville partially lifts military blocks

Sen. Tommy Tuberville partially lifted his blockade on more than 400 senior military promotions this week, which were part of his protest of the Pentagon's policy to reimburse troops who travel to seek abortions. 

Do you support Tuberville's block?

BILL: Federal Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Act of 2023 (S.3205)

The Federal Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Act would establish guidelines for federal agencies to manage risks associated with AI by leveraging the Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework created by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Tell your reps to support or oppose FAIRMA.

And, In The End...

Today is National Stretching Day. Stretching and increasing mobility can promote a healthy lifestyle. Will you stretch today?

—Jamie Epstein

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