Today, Gov. Andy Beshear and First Lady Britainy Beshear announced the five winners of the children?s inauguration poster contest that celeb
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Crystal Staley
[email protected]

James Hatchett
[email protected]

Beshears Announce ?Forward, Together? Children?s Inauguration Poster Contest Winners

Governor and First Lady invite winning artists to be recognized at inaugural celebrations

FRANKFORT, Ky. (Dec. 11, 2023) ? Today, Gov. Andy Beshear and First Lady Britainy Beshear announced the five winners of the children?s inauguration poster contest that celebrates the 62nd gubernatorial inauguration theme: Forward, Together.

The theme is inspired by how Kentuckians came together and got through many hard times over the past four years ? from the pandemic to devastating natural disasters and many challenges in between ? and how we are now getting to the good times together.

On Nov. 16, the Beshears asked children ages 6-17 to imagine what all Kentuckians can accomplish in the future by continuing to work together and to draw a picture of that goal.

?For us, it?s so important that Kentucky kids lend their voices to the inaugural celebrations,? the Beshears said. ?We saw so much talent, creativity and many powerful messages, and although it was extremely difficult, five winners were selected. We want to thank every child, educator, parent and guardian who participated in or supported the contest, and we can?t wait to celebrate the winners tomorrow.?

A panel, including Mrs. Beshear, selected one winner from each age category, ages 6-9, 10-13 and 14-17. Two additional overall winners were selected for having the most colorful and most creative posters.

Ages 6-9
Lincoln Adame, 9, McCracken County, Paducah

Ages 10-13
Brayleigh Nolan, 10, Franklin County, Frankfort

Ages 14-17
Miles X. Garrett, 17, Jefferson County, Louisville

Overall Most Creative
Bennett Losch, 16, Fayette County, Lexington?

Overall Most Colorful
Kamden Moeves, 6, Campbell County, Fort Thomas

The five winners and their families have been invited to the Capitol Tuesday, Dec. 12, to be recognized as part of the inaugural celebrations. Winning submissions will be displayed in the Capitol during the inauguration.

Gov. Beshear and First Lady Britainy Beshear issued the official event schedule ahead of the 62nd gubernatorial inauguration.

Gov. Beshear and Lt. Gov. Jacqueline Coleman will be sworn into office during a full day of festivities, Tuesday, Dec. 12. For updates and additional information, visit


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