I want to be sure you saw the breaking news in the race for the 22nd District: our toughest Republican opponent dropped out! Robert Woody is abandoning his run for the State House, because his campaign knows we have the momentum.  

The leading candidate in the GOP primary is now none other than Raemi Eagle-Glenn, the election denying, anti-immigrant bigot and DeSantis crony who wants to continue the Governor’s failed policies. 


Here’s Raemi’s take on the issues most important to the people of House District 22: 

With the Republicans set to nominate MAGA extremist Raemi Eagle-Glenn, we’re now in an even stronger position to flip this seat. But we need your continued support to capitalize. Can you chip in today to keep us on track? 

If you've already saved your information with ActBlue, your donation will just take a few clicks and process instantly.

While Raemi rants about her latest personal grievances, our campaign will continue working to earn the support of Democrats, Independents, and reasonable Republicans throughout House District 22.


Let’s win this thing, 

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