From Townhall Spotlight <[email protected]>
Subject Townhall Investment Spotlight: Whiskey
Date December 11, 2023 2:00 PM
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Exclusively for Townhall readers, this week CaskX is turning the spotlight on a new investment asset that is rising in popularity: Whiskey.

That’s right. The amber nectar often referred to as Liquid Gold, can now be part of your investment portfolio.

CaskX has pioneered an innovative investment platform that connects individual investors, like yourself, with portfolios of bourbon and American whiskey barrels from leading distilleries across the United States.

Investors purchase a portfolio of full barrels and can then capitalize on the aging process of the spirit. Just think about it, older whiskey sells for a higher price than younger whiskey. A naturally appreciating asset, that’s something hard to find with anything else.

Plus, CaskX has simplified whiskey investment by storing barrels at the original distilleries, arranging insurance coverage and even facilitating tours to visit the holdings. All the while investors can monitor the status of their investments from an online portal and even initiate a sale when the time is right.

As a special bonus for Townhall readers, CaskX is offering early access to their latest whiskey investment offerings. With the rising popularity, whiskey investment portfolios from CaskX are selling out faster than ever before. This is your chance to get to the front of the line and get access to the top offerings before everyone else. Simply click here to request early access to the latest whiskey investments now.

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