Tell Biden: Climate Leadership is Needed Today



America needs climate leadership and instead it’s getting record oil and gas production. 

You may have heard the EPA’s announcement at COP28 about a new rule to cut methane emissions. The new methane rule is important. If implemented and enforced, it will sharply reduce U.S. methane emissions.

But it's not nearly enough. What’s missing from COP28 and the Biden Administration’s climate plans? The leadership needed to stop new fossil fuel projects, declare a climate emergency and transition communities and workers to a healthy future. 

Please join Earthworks in telling the President to be a climate leader now.

Here’s how the President can lead now:

  1. Reject new fossil fuel projects.
  2. Declare a National Emergency on climate and unlock funding and resources to solve the climate crisis.
  3. Provide a just transition that invests in an equitable and resilient energy system that supports marginalized communities. 

Energy production is hitting record levels and the world’s richest countries and corporations have plans to expand fossil fuel production even further. 

Last month we told you about CP2, a massive new methane gas export terminal proposed on Louisiana's Gulf Coast. Projects like CP2 pollute communities and lock us into more (not less!) climate damaging emissions. And they enrich corporate CEOs by driving up energy prices here at home. 

Where’s the climate leadership?

Tell President Biden to act now and stand with communities and families. Be a leader, Mr. President.

Important decisions will be made on climate in coming months. The choices are simple, really. We can fight for families, clean energy and air we can all breathe. Or we can let corporations drill more, export more, and get rich selling off our future and destroying the planet.

I hope you’ll stand with us and demand strong climate leadership today. 

In Solidarity, 

Jennifer Krill
Executive Director  |  Make a Donation

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