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Do the Democrats Have a Death Wish?

Katie Pavlich

Democrats Are Right to Be Scared of Trump’s Vengeance

Kurt Schlichter

The Bubbling Cesspool of Feces That Is the Ivy Leagues

Kurt Schlichter

'Diversity Hires' And Progressive Hatred Highlight Everything Wrong With Democrats

Derek Hunter

Democrats Have A Golden Opportunity To Destroy The Right

Derek Hunter

Jonathan Chait Applauds Ivy League Presidents

Brad Slager

The Real Dictators

Allen West

What the Democratic Party Has Become

Mark Lewis

A Quick Bible Study Vol. 195: Hebrew Bible Christmas Prophecies

Myra Kahn Adams

Kevin McCallister's Grocery Bill Would Be Insane Today. Did You Catch Where the Massive Spike Starts?

Matt Vespa

There Was One Major Detail Missing From the Hunter Biden Indictment

Rebecca Downs

Why SNL Is Under Fired Over 'Vile' Skit On Harvard, UPenn, MIT Presidents

Sarah Arnold

Democrat Makes Damning Admission On the 'Legally Justified' Hunter Biden Indictments

Sarah Arnold

Newsom Humiliated By Disastrous Budget Report One Week After Bragging About California's Economy

Sarah Arnold

The Strange Way Exiled George Santos Is Raking In Money

Sarah Arnold

Here's What Could Have Happened If Two Off-Duty Cops Didn't Walk by the House Where MLK Jr. Was Born

Matt Vespa

Look Out: Russians Adding Technology to Their Arsenal of Terror

Brian McNicoll

Remember, Remember, the Joy of December

Kathryn Lopez

Deranged Democrats Claim Trump Will Be a Dictator

Jeff Crouere

The Problematic Ousting of Rep. George Santos from Congress

Rachel Alexander

The Frozen Chosen Got Stuck In Munich, Of All Places

Duggan Flanakin

Why Congress Should Stay Out of the Credit Card Industry

Pat Toomey

American Legion Signals Compromise In Battle Over Veteran Disability Benefits

Wes Martin

Harvard 2024

Alan Joseph Bauer

It Is Downright Scandalous to Accuse Israel of Genocide

Michael Brown

Iran's Sinister Web of Influence in the West

Struan Stevenson

ACLU Latest Client Will Make Liberals Heads Spin

Matt Vespa

Dozens Gather Outside Swanky Hollywood Elitist Event to Protest Joe Biden

Sarah Arnold

The View: Pro-Lifers Should Die Before Receiving Cancer Treatment

Sarah Arnold

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Study: Gun Injuries Increase In Gentrifying Neighborhoods |
New Gun Owner Looking for Training? Make Sure to do Your Homework! |
Los Angeles Sheriff and California AG Sued Over 'Plainly Unconstitutional' Concealed Carry Policies |
Unsurprisingly, Anti-Gun Media Using UNLV to Push Narrative |
Oklahoma Gun Control Activist Goes Full Scrooge on Armed Santa Billboard |
Second Circuit Upholds Injunction on Portions of New York Carry Law |