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email hero image: Protect Independent Journalism: Make a year-end donation to ProPublica

Hi Reader,

All year, ProPublica’s Supreme Court investigations have sparked discussions and outrage all over the country. Our first bombshell story in April detailed Justice Clarence Thomas’ decadeslong relationship with Republican megadonor Harlan Crow. Since then, ProPublica and other news outlets have revealed a stream of undisclosed gifts to Thomas by a set of billionaire benefactors and a private jet flight provided to Justice Samuel Alito by a businessman who later had cases before the court.

Last month, for the first time in its 234-year history, the Supreme Court released a code of conduct governing the behavior of the country’s most powerful judges. How the code will be enforced remains to be seen, but the magnitude of this step should not be understated.

Impact like this is at the heart of ProPublica’s mission to use the moral force of investigative journalism to spur real-world change.

Our reporters have the freedom and resources to pursue investigations into people at the highest levels of power in our government because we’re a nonprofit, independent newsroom. We are funded through philanthropic donations from individuals, foundations and more. In the last year, over 50,000 individuals have donated to ProPublica.

We’re far from finished investigating the judiciary. Join ProPublica today with your year-end donation of any amount and help ensure that we can continue to produce the kind of well-researched journalism that spurs impact just like this.

Thanks so much,

Jill Shepherd
Proud ProPublican

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