[[link removed]]URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Bayer-Monsanto is still contributing to the devastating
decline in monarch butterflies. Take action now! >>
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Over the last 20 years, 850 million milkweed plants have VANISHED. Monarchs need milkweed to survive as it’s the only food source for monarch caterpillars, and without it, these beloved butterflies will run
out of places to reproduce and lay eggs.
But milkweed plants are being WIPED OUT at record numbers due to a toxic pesticide called glyphosate. It’s the most
widely used herbicide in the world and is the active ingredient in Bayer-Monsanto’s Roundup. Monarch populations are plummeting, and Roundup is a key driver in this massive die-out. In order to save monarch butterflies, we must demand that Bayer-Monsanto STOP
producing this butterfly-harming product. Add your name now! >>
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[[link removed]]Monarchs are not only beautiful and iconic insects known for their striking
orange and black patterns, but they are also critical pollinators that our
ecosystems rely on. Losing monarchs forever would impact us ALL.
Sadly, we’ve already lost 90% of the North American monarch butterfly population in the past two decades – and unless we STOP the widespread use of glyphosate, which is killing off the milkweed monarchs
depend on, then we could lose these precious butterflies forever. Will you take action right away to tell the corporate giants at Bayer-Monsanto
to prioritize pollinators above profits and STOP selling Roundup?
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[[link removed]]Thanks for taking action to save monarch butterflies.
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