What will you do to protect your community?


It’s not easy to prepare for the Coronavirus pandemic when many in our communities are living paycheck to paycheck, don’t have paid sick days, or affordable healthcare, and can't afford to not have a job. We need to demand leaders put people first, and your voice, and your vote matters.

For over a decade, New Florida Majority has stood in the gaps for our vulnerable communities, and we will continue to stand in this gap until the threat of the virus is mitigated. Just today, we joined other grassroots organizations to make a series of demands to the Florida Legislature and the Governor to provide relief to working families — not giveaways to large corporations — in the midst of this public health crisis.

Our demands include:

  • Paid sick leave for all
  • Protection for workers at the frontlines of responding to this crisis
  • Affordable healthcare
  • A moratorium on evictions, foreclosures and utility shut offs
  • The right to vote

The full list of demands can be read here. This is the moment when voting and our health come full circle. When we vote for elected officials that have strong plans for working families, we are voting to protect our families and communities.

Although the health and wellbeing of our friends and loved ones are unquestionably of the utmost importance, we encourage all registered voters to vote during the Florida Primary Election. Our vote will help elect leaders who will make measured and deliberate decisions to ensure the health and safety of the communities they serve. It is critical that we elect local, state and federal leaders who rise to the occasion so we can combat the spread of this pandemic.

If you still have your vote by mail ballot, fill it out and mail it by Saturday to ensure it is received by your Supervisor of Elections in time to be counted.

If you plan to vote in person, vote early this weekend or on Election Day to avoid large crowds, and take all the precautions listed here. Early voting is underway and ends this weekend, and the final day to vote is Tuesday, March 17th.

Stay safe and vote,

In Unity,
Andrea Cristina Mercado
Executive Director
New Florida Majority


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New Florida Majority
10800 Biscayne Blvd. Ste. 1050
Miami, FL 33161 United States