Dear John, as I look back on 2023, I am proud of all that the National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC), our partners, our clients, and our supporters (like you!) have achieved this year.  

In honor of Human Rights Day today, we’re celebrating the life-changing impact our work together has had on thousands of people this year. This impact is possible because of you.

Here are some of the ways your support of NIJC made a difference in 2023:

  • We reached 12,231 people through legal services and information.
  • 2,088 pro bono attorneys donated more than 66,500 hours to support 2,280 cases for people who are building lives in the United States. 
  • 1,292 people were granted legal relief.  
  • We achieved a 97% success rate in helping people secure legal relief. 
  • We welcomed new arrivals, launched a universal representation pilot program for people in detention, and won a major class action lawsuit that will help 20,000 Afghan people seeking asylum in the U.S.


I invite you to read more about our impact together:

Your unwavering support of NIJC and its mission to uphold human rights, human dignity, and justice for all people has been vital.

Today, on Human Rights Day, I hope that you will take the time to celebrate all that we’ve accomplished together!  

With gratitude,

Mary Meg McCarthy 
Executive Director, National Immigrant Justice Center  


224 S. Michigan Avenue, Suite 600  |  Chicago, Illinois  60604

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