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Dear friend,

It’s been an incredibly busy week – from a two-day-long Energy and Commerce Committee Markup to spending time with Delaware’s students! As always, keep reading for updates on my work in Washington and Delaware.


This Week in Washington


Bipartisan Supply Chains Legislation Passes Unanimously

In this week’s Energy and Commerce Committee’s Markup, the Promoting Resilient Supply Chains Act, which I introduced alongside Representative Larry Buschon M.D. of Indiana, was passed unanimously out of committee. This legislation would create a whole-of-government approach to mapping, monitoring, and proactively strengthening American supply chains. The bottom line – supply chains touch the lives of every American whether they know it or not. And making them stronger means bringing manufacturing jobs back home and lowering costs for American consumers. To listen to my opening remarks about the legislation, click the video below.


The Protecting Patients Against PBM Abuses Act that I introduced with Representative Buddy Carter of Georgia was also passed out of committee. One of my top priorities since coming to Congress has been lowering the cost of health care for everyday Americans. Many factors contribute to high health care costs, and one of the most insidious is the opaque practices of Pharmacy Benefit Managers or PBMs. This legislation is about ensuring that PBMs are lowering the costs of medications at the pharmacy counter and working in the best interest of their clients, Delawareans, and the American people. To hear more about the bill, click the video below:


I’ll be sure to keep you updated on next steps.

Honored with the Climate Change-Maker Award 


This week, I was honored to accept the Climate Action Campaign’s Climate Change-Maker Award. We all deserve to breathe clean air and drink clean water – and that’s what I’ve been working towards securing for Delawareans and people across our country since coming to Congress. I am proud to continue my work to fight the climate crisis, create the clean energy jobs of the future, and preserve our planet for generations to come while advancing environmental justice.  

“Hi, Barbie!”: Meeting the National Down Syndrome Society


It was great to connect with the National Down Syndrome Society this week, including a special guest – the first Barbie with Down Syndrome! Before coming to Congress, I worked at the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston where we focused on improving accessibility for people with disabilities – and it’s a top priority of mine as a member of Congress. This Barbie will always fight for inclusivity and accessibility! 

This Week in Delaware


Visiting with AVID Program Students at Shue-Medill Middle School


I was so glad to visit with the AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) Program students at Shue-Medill Middle School on Friday. The AVID Program is for driven students who are on track to be the first in their families to attend college. I shared with them stories about my own life and career experiences and answered their questions about why I love serving in Congress and what inspires me (hint: it’s young people like them!).

Connecting with the Delaware State Education Association


It’s always a pleasure to meet with Delaware-based organizations like the Delaware State Education Association (DSEA) when I’m back in the First State. Ensuring our students and educators have the resources they need to succeed is critical. That’s why I was glad to hear about DSEA’s priorities and talk about how we can continue to work together to support Delaware’s students and educators. 

REMINDER: Open Enrollment is Here!

Delawareans looking to purchase health insurance coverage for 2024 through the Marketplace have until January 15, 2024, to enroll. For coverage starting on January 1, you should enroll by December 15th. 


Last year, nearly 35,000 Delawareans signed up for health insurance on Delaware’s marketplace, the highest number yet. Remember that if you already have a health insurance plan through the Marketplace, you will need to re-enroll to maintain your coverage for 2024. To review your current plan, enroll in a new plan, or get more information, go to or


Each year, my office participates in the Congressional App Challenge - a national competition that encourages students to grow their STEM skills through coding. This year’s winning team – which was selected by a panel of judges – included Charter School of Wilmington students Eesha Sagiraju, Ian Porell, and David Safro. Their app, called “CoughScan,” utilizes a combination of symptom tracking and cough analysis to determine whether someone has COVID-19. I was glad to deliver the exciting news to the winners this week! Congratulations on this well-deserved win Eesha, Ian, and David!

Yours in service,

Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester signature image

Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester

Member of Congress

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Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4165

Wilmington District Office

1105 N. Market Street

Suite 400

Wilmington, DE 19801
Phone: (302) 830-2330

Georgetown District Office

28 The Circle

Suite 2

Georgetown, DE 19947
Phone: (302) 858-4773