
Happy Hanukkah

Aloha Members of the Hawaii Republican Party,

As the festival of lights brightens homes, I want to take a moment to extend my warmest Hanukkah greetings to each and every one of you in our party and beyond.

This holiday represents the miracle of the oil that burned for eight nights and the enduring strength of faith. Hanukkah is not just a celebration for our Jewish friends; it's a symbol of hope and resilience that resonates with all of us, regardless of our backgrounds or beliefs.

As the menorah is let, let us reflect on the principles that guide us: freedom, justice, and the courage to stand for what is right. These values are at the heart of our party and our nation.

This season, let us also remember the importance of coming together as a community, cherishing our diversity, and working towards a future filled with light and peace.

I would also like to extend our thoughts and prayers to all those affected by the ongoing conflict in Israel. We hope for a future where peace and understanding prevail, and where all can enjoy the universal blessings of freedom and security.

We wish you a joyous Hanukkah filled with happiness, health, and prosperity.


Tamara McKay
Chair, Hawaii Republican Party
