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Dear friends,

As you may know, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has been developing its global campaign structure over the past two years. In addition to the assistance we provide to journalists and media around the world, the innovative projects we launch - such as the Svoboda satellite bouquet - our daily actions around the world to promote the right to reliable information, our investigations, and our reactions to current events, we now have an incredible strike force through our priority campaigns. These campaigns, of which we’ve implemented 18 in 2023, enable RSF to mobilise  the full force of our international network towards achieving specific objectives, whether priority cases or thematic topics.

In 2023, we secured the release of Mortaza Behboudi, detained by the Taliban in Kabul, after several months of international mobilisation. Around the world we meet with journalists, lawyers, families, and policy-makers, such as in Washington DC, where I’m currently advocating for the release of Julian Assange, whose extradition and prosecution are possibly imminent. In Paris, we organised a press conference with Narges Mohammadi's family following the announcement of her Nobel Peace Prize, to draw public attention to her dire detention conditions and the situation of journalists in Iran. We continue to work on a daily basis alongside the son of Jose Rubén Zamora, a leading figure in independent journalism in Guatemala, to secure his release from prison. 

In 2024, we will be developing our campaign approach even further, deploying new modes of action and intervening in even more cases and situations of concern. Thank you for your invaluable support for this crucial work!



Rebecca Vincent, Director of campaigns
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