Katie flipped a Republican held seat blue in 2018.
Just another week for House Republicans…

With the midterm elections less than a year away, it’s our party’s job to show voters a different way forward, instead of the hard-right path the GOP continues to walk. House Republicans have just a few seat majority, and some of Democrats' best pick-up opportunities are right here in California.
California is key to flipping the House and making Johnson’s Speakership a short one. Katie flipped a Republican held seat blue in 2018, so she knows firsthand the support candidates need, how to talk with voters of all persuasions, and how to turnout Democrats on Election Day. She always says her responsibility as a Senate candidate is to uplift down-ballot candidates so that Democrats win big across the country, across every level of government in 2024.
That’s exactly what our campaign is doing—let’s show Republicans we’re not going to stand by. Can you chip in today to help us reach key voters up and down the state?
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