Tomorrow is World Human Rights Day, which has an even greater meaning as recent headlines underscore urgent crises happening in many places around the globe.
Millions lack access to water, food, and other basic needs in Gaza. Heating infrastructure has been targeted in Ukraine amid frigid temperatures. Flash flooding across the Horn of Africa has displaced more people and exacerbated food insecurity and poor water access.
Mercy Corps helps people worldwide have access to the basic human rights of clean water, adequate sanitation, healthy food, and peace and security.
In honor of World Human Rights Day, will you make a tax-deductible, year-end gift to help power our work for communities building a more vibrant future?
In Somalia, Shamsa fills her jerrycan with water from a tap installed by Mercy Corps in a displacement camp for people driven from their home by the ongoing severe drought.
While the complex challenges facing the world can seem overwhelming, Mercy Corps knows a brighter tomorrow depends on what we do today. We take action by partnering with communities to cultivate locally led and sustainable solutions to crises that threaten progress, stability, and human rights. Here are just a few examples:
Right to clean water and sanitation: In Somalia, people have faced several years of extreme drought followed by flooding which depleted or contaminated water sources. Mercy Corps is rehabilitating boreholes and installing clean water taps in villages and camps for displaced people, distributing hygiene items like soap and women’s sanitary products, and delivering cash assistance for families to buy what they need. |
Right to work: In Afghanistan, high levels of internal displacement and cross-border returns, along with one of the fastest growing and youngest populations in the world has put a strain on already limited resources, work opportunities, and basic services. Mercy Corps is providing vocational training to displaced people as well as women, youth, and people with disabilities to improve their skill sets, create new economic opportunities, and increase the income of young people and families. |
Right to own property: In the Democratic Republic of Congo, women are often deprived of their land rights limiting their economic security and futures. Mercy Corps is helping women obtain official land titles, giving more women power, freedom, and financial flexibility. |
As crises continue to unfold across the globe, we all must do what we can to bolster human rights and help communities as they build toward a flourishing future.
You’re an important part of helping to create that future — please make your tax-deductible year-end gift today.
Sonal Shinde
Mercy Corps Interim Senior Director
Global Response Team