Dear John,

The following are some recent offerings on the CPUSA website.


Test your Marxist IQ, an offering commemorating Women’s History Month.

This Week @CPUSA: Friday’s chat focuses on the COVID-19 crisis and economic downturn, and what a working-class response to the crisis might look like.

Two articles on the presidential race:  a working-class perspective of the 2020 elections in 2020 Elections: Not Just a Horse Race and a discussion of the Black vote in the recent primaries in Biden, Sanders, the Socialist Moment, and the Black Vote.

Women’s Power: Unleashing Our True Potential discusses the growth of working-class women’s political power.

That’s Capitalism: Is There Even a Carrot Anymore? talks about the basic motor of the economy: fear.

Two articles on the current economy: Economic Update: Are We Headed for a Recession? and The Coming Economic Crisis and How to Combat It.

Trump’s post-acquittal actions are discussed in Rising Authoritarianism in the White House.

The Specter, a youth-led podcast, presents Imagining a World without Policing, a conversation with Prof. Alex Vitale, author of End of Policing.

And you can always access the Marxist Classes webinars here.

Happy reading and viewing!

Yours in struggle,

Website Collective


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