Election experts at the Cook Political Report just downgraded Montana’s Senate race from “Lean Democratic” to “TOSS-UP”!
This is not good, John.
Outside groups have been spending unprecedented amounts on TV and launching vicious attacks earlier than ever before to defeat Jon Tester and attack his record. Now it might be working.
With polls virtually tied, Jon’s opponents are looking for any opportunity to use these ratings changes to their advantage, so we need to act fast.
Split an emergency donation between Maggie Hassan and Jon’s campaign to help us fight back ASAP. The Senate majority hinges on what happens here in Montana. We CAN win this race, but ONLY with your support.
If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be split evenly between Maggie Hassan and Jon Tester and will go through immediately:
Thank you for being a part of the team.
Team Tester