Stop Biden’s Marxist Make-over of the U.S. MilitaryFrank Gaffney | Save America’s Military | 11-30-2023 | CondensedClick to Learn More About the Dirty Half-Dozen Here» WASHINGTON — Over three dozen influential conservatives representing millions of others across America have just written Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and his Republican colleagues a powerful letter urging them to support the efforts led by Senator Tommy Tuberville of Alabama aimed at exposing and forcing votes on military promotion nominees who “have embraced partisan policies and priorities utterly incompatible with the cohesive, highly trained and effective military we require.” The signatories, organized by the informal Save America’s Military Coalition (SAM), include prominent retired leaders of our armed forces, other national security professionals, influencers, and top executives of large grassroots organizations (including Brigitte Gabriel, Chairman and Founder of Act for America). Their letter expressed grave concern that: …Some 40% of the promotable officers now awaiting Senate approval have publicly expressed support for the imposition of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies upon our armed forces. With its emphasis on identity rather than merit, DEI is a classic example of Marxist doctrine aimed at dividing and conquering institutions like our uniformed services. The deleterious consequences of the application to date of this and related initiatives can be seen in the U.S. military’s diminished performance, flagging morale, and inability to retain and recruit needed personnel. Senators should not support the promotion of such officers under any circumstances.
As a means of illustrating this larger peril for America’s uniformed services, the group letter identifies what might be called “The Dirty Half-Dozen” who are now awaiting Senate approval but should be considered unpromotable and their nominations rejected: [Six] deeply problematic individuals who should be ineligible for senior uniformed leadership positions. More to the point, the pattern that emerges from a larger sample of those awaiting promotion makes clear that, like them, many officers are not simply “following orders” set by civilian political appointees committed to Critical Race Theory, the LGBTQ agenda, transsexual accommodations, the notion that climate change poses the greatest threat facing our nation, etc. Rather, they are enthusiastic proponents of fundamentally transforming the armed services to reflect these subversive priorities that not only have no bearing on military readiness and deterrence but are extraordinarily harmful to performing what must be the Defense Department’s preeminent missions.
In late September Save America’s Military Coalition’s partners laid out their concerns about the Biden administration’s evident determination to affect a Marxist make-over of the U.S. military in a powerful “telethon” urging the Senate to intervene. Act for America’s presentation can be viewed at the 27-minute mark under Video Highlights. At a moment when the world is increasingly engulfed in conflicts imperiling our vital interests and allies and there is a growing probability that we will experience attacks on our homeland, our military must be led by warriors who have been promoted exclusively based on performance-based merit and earned the confidence of our servicemen and women in their ability and determination to defend [our nation and] our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. automatically helps Act for America every time you shop and they will donate an extra $5 bonus when you make your first purchase. Learn More Here»Upgrade to an annual subscription for less than the price of a $5 cup of coffee a month and receive a free autographed copy of “Because They Hate” PLUS a 10% discount included, now only $50 for 12 months. **PLUS, Receive New ACT Exclusive Content for Paid Subscribers Launched This Week, Including New Grassroots Tips and Tricks for Greater Impact! You're currently a free subscriber to Act for America. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |