Plus, PPS in the early stages of developing a strategic plan.
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IT’S ALWAYS THE SEASON FOR REPORTING YOU TRUST. But the opportunity to have your support for it matched is dwindling — less than a month now remains. Please consider starting a new monthly gift today of $5, $10, or $20 ([link removed]) , so it can be matched x12. Before you know it, 2024 will be here and this offer will be gone!
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** Faced with Pittsburgh housing and mental health care, I left the nest ([link removed])
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** PPS strategic plan eyes school closures to save costs and improve student experience ([link removed])
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** Claim abuse, lose custody: A bill aims to curb a trend born of the theory of ‘parental alienation’ ([link removed])
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** Judge sides with Fitzgerald, nixing county employee wage floor, as Innamorato pledges pay review ([link removed])
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Pittsburgh Arts & Lectures welcomes Rebecca Makkai, the author of four novels, including the National Book Award finalist “The Great Believers,” to the Carnegie Library Lecture Hall on Dec. 11. Makkai comes to Ten Evenings with her latest novel, “I Have Some Questions for You,” a stirring investigation into collective memory.
Enjoy Ten Evenings from the comfort of your home. Livestream individual lectures or purchase a subscription at ([link removed]) .
Due to subscriber returns, in-person tickets to Ten Evenings may become available on a rolling basis. For in-person availability, call 412-622-8866 between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
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** Project Silk renews mission to help young LGBTQ people of color ([link removed])
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** Residents sue as Coraopolis concrete plant ‘coats and clogs up everything’ ([link removed])
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** Public weighs in on PPS deficit budget: Some feel frozen out, others fear closures ([link removed])
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** How magnet schools attract some, repel others, and contribute to Pittsburgh’s polarized education system ([link removed])
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* In March, EPA investigators spent five days at the MAX Environmental facility in Yukon and found that it failed to properly treat and store hazardous waste, reinforcing long-held suspicions among the landfill’s neighbors. ([link removed])
* Professors at Chatham University say they feel “less and less involved” in decisions — which is why some faculty are exploring unionizing ([link removed]) , and also why they might have a legal leg to stand on.
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