Dear john,

Open enrollment for health insurance coverage in 2024 continues, and you must act by December 15 if you need health coverage starting January 1. Visit to select a plan and start the new year right.

This week, I took to the floor of the House of Representatives to voice my opposition to House Republicans' plan to undo the Income Driven Repayment Plan, which would have detrimental impacts on thousands of working families in our district. I was proud to speak on behalf of Americans who are struggling under the burden of seemingly endless student loan debt. You can view my remarks below.

Image from @RepLucyMcBath on X. Text reads "The Americans who stand to be harmed if this student loan repayment plan is ended are more than just numbers. They're real people. We must help make sure every student, regardless of background or zip code, has the resources necessary to achieve their dreams." Features an image of Rep. McBath speaking at a microphone; she is wearing a red jacket and black top.

On Monday, I joined fellow members of Georgia's Congressional Delegation to request an update from the Food and Drug Administration on the national shortage of chemotherapy medicines. As a two-time breast cancer survivor, I am committed to ensuring the federal government is doing everything possible to address this shortage. To read more from my office, click here.

On Wednesday, I introduced legislation to protect and expand funding programs which support community colleges connect with local employers and prepare students for success in their careers. The Training, Retention, and Investment Now (TRAIN) Act is an important step forward, and I am proud to support our workforce in this way. To learn more about this legislation, read my press release.

Thank you for taking the time to read this update. It is my honor to serve our community in Congress. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch with my office.

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Lucy McBath
Member of Congress
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